
Benefits of daylighting in your building

We all are living a lifestyle, well-packed in a building – home or office rooms, and continuously exposed to artificial lights that adversely affect our well-being. However, we all know that daylight is highly essential for good health, mental well-being, etc. Then, why are we all stuck in closed rooms and buildings? 

Scientists from the Lighting Research Center (LRC), in Troy, N. Y. stated that exposure to sunlight boosts productivity and comfort of the occupants in office and building spaces and thus, regulates human circadian rhythms. 

Furthermore, in order to welcome daylight in your building, you need to plan for windows and skylights on a building through which you can receive direct and indirect sunlight. For this, you need to study the weather and climate conditions,  surroundings first and get to know from which direction you receive maximum sunlight, and plan for windows and skylights  accordingly. However, you can get the best daylighting systems from the top skylight manufacturers – SkyShade.

Benefits of Daylighting: –

Improves Well-Being: –

Though natural daylight is good for human well-being, we all get stuck up in our homes and workplaces. However, though you are in the building and office spaces you can get exposed to direct or indirect sunlight by welcoming daylight through windows and skylights. 

Furthermore, planning building designs with windows or skylights in such a way that it welcomes daylight allows building occupants to enhance their well-being. Daylight enables them to experience a pleasant atmosphere and makes them happier and energetic. So, at workplaces with daylight systems, people get more creative, interactive, and can solve problems effectively. Thus, daylight not only makes you good but enables you to function well.

Increases Productivity: –

When workplaces, classrooms, and buildings are constructed in such a way to welcome daylight, then the occupants can elevate their senses and work with more productivity. The daylight is known to enhance general cognitive performance, improve concentration, memory power and thus, enable you to work more intellectually and productively. It triggers alertness and makes your brain perform effectively.

Lowers Energy Costs: –

Daylights mean no to artificial lights and thus, low energy consumption. Most of the workplaces and corporate companies rely on artificial light 24×7 and thus, spend more on energy expenses. So, businesses can make a smart decision by opting for an energy-efficient and sustainable lighting solution – Daylight. This enables them to lower energy costs and at the same time improves the productivity of their employees. Therefore, make this sustainable natural light from a free renewable resource available in your workplaces and buildings.

Boosts Health: –

If artificial lights create more health issues, then daylights create more health benefits. Furthermore, people in natural daylight are known to suffer from less drowsiness and fewer headaches, and thus, they require less medication.  

Also, when you get exposed to natural light, then it helps you to lower the risk of heart disease and boost vitamin D. It also supports healthier sleeping patterns by increasing the melatonin levels in the evening. 

People living in indoors and dark rooms feel hopelessness or sadness – a condition that leads to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). However, daylight is known to treat such mental conditions as well.

Improves Performance: –

It is proved by the researchers that natural daylight improves the connection between young people and academic performance. And so, to create a learning-friendly atmosphere in your schools and colleges, institutes must prefer to welcome daylight with windows and skylights. Thus, designers who are planning for school or institute construction designs should integrate daylighting solutions in their design plans as natural light helps in mood, cognitive function, and alertness. 

SkyShade – being one of the most renowned skylight manufacturers, daylight designers and tensile structure suppliers in India, it provides high-quality, reliable, and effectively designed skylights & natural lighting systems in Hyderabad at very budget-friendly prices. So, if you are planning to welcome daylight from a free natural resource, then contact SkyShade.